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forum-fifteen-ninety now offers exclusive forums and threads dedicated to your entertainment.
We've incorporated a PBP (play by post) role playing forum run by our Moderator Spy. For clans we now offer private password protected forums for your group to use. This should further enhance your Role Playing Experience! To reserve a forum please contact me or another moderator. Best Regards, Nelson |
When updating your personal profile, don't forget to subscribe to our weekly newsletter, for info on contests or new updates!
Send me an email with thread suggestions for the forum!
This is a fairly new page, I'm still working out the odds and ends, but I hope you'll enjoy what we have here.
Aside from the forum We offer a publisher for any articles you'd like to post, be they news articles or bulletins you'd like our members to read, the blog, your personal online journal, and more. Enjoy your time on this site and I hope you keep coming back for more =] Thanks, Nelson |